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Are You at Risk for Gum Disease?

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Your gums are the foundation of your mouth and are critical to your dental health. Many people have gum disease, also called Periodontitis, and don’t know it because the disease is painless in it’s early stages. Gum disease is inflammation and infection in gum tissue. It occurs when food, saliva, and bacterial plaque combine on teeth and gums. The bacteria multiply and produce acids. It is these acids that attack tooth and gum tissues.There are some signs and symptoms of gum disease. If you notice any of the following issues, be sure to discuss them with your dentist:

* Red, puffy gums
* Bleeding gums
* Persistent bad breath
* New spacing between teeth
* Loose teeth
* Pus around the teeth and gums
* Receding gums
* Tenderness or discomfort

There are some risk factors that can make some people more susceptible to developing gum disease. Be especially vigilant about your oral care and alert your dentist if you have any of the following:

* Family history of gum disease
* Smoke or chew tobacco
* Diabetes, blood cell disorders, or HIV/AIDS
* Pregnancy or oral contraception use
* Use of certain medications that inhibit saliva production
* Have ill-fitting dental appliances

Since oral health is something everyone should be concerned about, what steps can be taken to reduce the risk of developing gum disease? Brushing at least twice per day and flossing once per day are the essentials, as they remove the plaque, food debris, and acids that cause gum disease. Get regular dental care; visit your dentist twice a year for cleanings and have any other needed dental procedures performed.

There are treatments available to address gum disease. In the early stages of gum disease, treatment can begin with an improved daily routine of dental hygiene. Adding an oral rinse to your routine may be prescribed by your dentist. If you smoke or chew tobacco, quitting will increase your gums’ ability to heal. Next, your dentist may offer in-office deep cleaning treatments called scaling and root planing. Further medical treatments may be performed by your dentist or a periodontist, a specialist. Some treatment options include:

* Debridement, the removal of unhealthy tissue
* Medication, such as antibiotics
* Oral surgery: gingivectomy and/or gingivoplasty

For more information about the treatment of gum disease, see the website for the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.

If you’ve been diagnosed with any level of gum disease, you will want to take action to reverse the problem. In severe, untreated cases, teeth can be lost and irreversible damage to underlying bone can occur. At Raleigh Family Dentistry, we are experts at helping patients regain their healthy smile. Dr. Robert Hoyle treats each patient with care and respect. Call us today at 919-981-6021 to schedule your appointment in Raleigh.